Sunday, October 27, 2002

Sunday, October 27th 2002

I went to the homecoming dance with Tab Friday. It was fun at the end but I wasn’t sure what to expect at the beginning. I danced with Tab (slow and fast songs), one of here senior friends (slow song), and Briana (slow song). For the most part it was fun. I know what to be ready for next year. I talked to Christina again at the end, she didn’t come with anybody. At the end of the dance we (Tab, Adrian, Heather, Candace, Briana, Andrew, and I) went to the Brett’s house and spent the night. I had a little talk with Briana that night about why she couldn’t stay in public school. She didn’t tell me much. I got 2nd place in the cross-country district meet. The first place runner was just a few yards ahead of me. Our freshman team got second. My amazing time was 12:13 for a two-mile. My average two-mile time is 13:36. I lowered my time by around 49 seconds. I got to sleep now.