Tuesday, May 20, 2008


...in the sand,
pack your things, saddle up your horse, eat well tonight for tomorrow will be a long ride, over mountains with snow and valleys with rivers.

The season is right. The birds are singing our farewell and the sun is shining a path towards our future.

Follow close behind cowgirl in the sand. The world is easily deceiving and quickly depleting of originals.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

An Anniversary

If only. If only it had come. If only we'd of lasted. If only we were wiser.

I could hear the trumpets playing to welcome us in but they were all too distant. I could smell the evergreens on the other side but they were all too faint.

You said I was too young. You doubted my sight of the decades that would soon present themselves to us. The years would become isolated like 1950's commercials had shown for years. Although I was a dreamer, I admit, I saw reality. You just needed to take into consideration that the reality in which I saw was also glazed with a cherry red finish.

You are not a dreamer. You are a Realist. A Realist so explicit that you get lost in the simplicity of  reality. Of the fact that people do live happy together, people do truly love each other once in a while. People do finish their years happy. The band is there to play for them, for us. If only we're their to hear it.

If only.